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Woven PP bags with PE liner

Bags made of polypropylene strips are used in various fields: agriculture, chemical and food industry, construction and others fields where particularly strong and reliable packaging solutions are required. Due to their durability, low weight and ease of use, they are particularly popular in the packaging and transportation of products such as: flour, sugar, compound feeds, premixes, grains and seeds.


PP bags with PE liner will fully protect your products from moisture and dust. Polyethylene liner is securely sewn into each bag, therefore it will not fall off.

We offer extremely strong polypropylene bags with PE liner:

Most popular dimensions:

  • 45x60cm
  • 45x75cm
  • 50x75cm
  • 57x95cm
  • 55x100cm
  • 60x110cm
  • 70x120cm


Įmonė stabiliai veikia Lietuvos rinkoje, tenkindama skirtingų klientų poreikius. Turime ilgalaikę patirtį maišų prekybos srityje, todėl esame pasirengę bendradarbiavimui.


UAB Packmak

Adresas: Raudondvario pl. 135, LT-47192, Kaunas

Tel.: +370 37 366 400

El. paštas: info@packmak.lt

Darbo laikas: I-V 8-17 val.
(Pietų pertrauka: 12:00-13:00 val.)

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