
„Packmak " Ltd. activity is based on the experience, vision and values.


„Packmak " Ltd. activity is based on the experience, vision and values.
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Our values

  • Attention to each client;
  • Continuous learning and development;
  • Respect for employees and business partners;
  • Persistence in achieving goals;
  • Fairness for all applications.


„Packmak“ Ltd. is lithuanian capital company, established in 2005. The company’s main area of activity – wholesale packaging materials. The company specializes in production of polypropylene packaging and trading. We can offer a wide assortment of bags for packing  bulk products ranging from 5kg to 2000kg. The company works steadily in the Lithuanian market by fulfilling the different needs of our customers. The company specialists have many years of experience in trading packaging materials. They are familiar with a variety of packaging materials, manufacturing technologies, knows different kinds of packaging applications. Therefore, depending on your needs, the company can help you find the best packing solution for your business.


„Packmak“ Ltd. – the largest and most reliable packaging supplier in Lithuania.

Our mission – supply Lithuanian producers, farmers of the commercial and agricultural sectors high-quality packaging materials. In this way to raise shareholders, employees and business partners prosperity.

Įmonė stabiliai veikia Lietuvos rinkoje, tenkindama skirtingų klientų poreikius. Turime ilgalaikę patirtį maišų prekybos srityje, todėl esame pasirengę bendradarbiavimui.


UAB Packmak

Adresas: Raudondvario pl. 135, LT-47192, Kaunas

Tel.: +370 37 366 400

El. paštas: info@packmak.lt

Darbo laikas: I-V 8-17 val.
(Pietų pertrauka: 12:00-13:00 val.)

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